Our business is a project to lead and use the youth        of Pakistan interested in IT. We noticed that the youth                             of Pakistan interested in IT is very talented they can compete the world wide IT sector and brings new revolutions. Therefore we decide to polish this talent and give a platform to them for use their precious talent. We decided to make the largest  IT college of Pakistan for polish the talent of Pakistani youth interested in IT and combined this College with a Software house also to give them an opportunity to show their talent to the world wide IT sector. Our business project consists of service business in IT section, Name as ICCASH” ICON COMPUTER COLLEGE AND SOFTWARE HOUSE “. Our business is a service business but we have also our products. Our products are consists of our the work done by our talent students which are Multimedia, Graphics, Dictionaries, Games, Engineering software’s, and windows.
Our products are unique from any other in Pakistan because these products are especially made for Pakistani peoples to meet their needs. We will do a lot of work for make all these software’s Pakistani peoples friendly.
In IT sector we have a lot of competitors on our both levels in at Computer College and also at Software House, but we are very well know that how to compete them we compete our College competitors by combing our college with a Software House, and at other hand we compete our Software House competitors by having an IT college combine, but this is not enough to compete with our competitors on both levels therefore we decide to make another plan to compete them on high level. The plan is that we will sign an agreement with world wide famous IT Company Microsoft Corporation to attain their services in IT section in Pakistan, we will register ICCASH with Microsoft Corporation, and also gain copyrights.
             We done market analysis for our project we found a lot number of customers using IT in different sectors in Pakistan
This analysis gave us confidence to put our idea into reality that a huge amount of Pakistani people using IT in their fields.
            The visions and missions of our project are following:-
1-     To make the Biggest IT college of the history of Pakistan
2-     Combined this IT college with a software house
3-     Signe an agreement with Microsoft Corporation to come and work with us
4-     Produce unique software according to the requirements of Pakistani users
5-     Make unique selling points (ISSP) Icon software selling points in the big cities of Pakistan for our software.
6-     To introduce our software in the global market.

            The mission of our project is very clear we want to lead the youth of Pakistani nation interested in IT in a bright way we want to make our country Pakistan is the best IT country in the world.


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