Principles of Management (Pepsi Cola Pakistan limited)

Pepsi  Cola Pakistan limited
Prepared for Imran Akbar Saifi
Principles of Management

Our Research is on Pepsi Cola Pakistan limited Gulberg branch .
We went there and interview different type of Managers and Employees as well to conduct information. We also use some Material from library to complete that project these are the information which are published on news papers etc.
Following is the table of content of our complete research
TABLE OF Contents


PEPSICO LTD is a leading global food and beverage company with brands that are valued household names throughout the globe. Good for All Is Good for Business PepsiCo delivering sustainable growth by invest in a healthier future for nation and our world. As a global food and beverage company with brands that stand for quality and are respected household name Pepsi-Cola, Lay's, Quaker Oats, Tropicana and Gatorade, to name but a few we will persist to build a portfolio of pleasant and healthier foods and beverages, find innovative ways to reduce the use of energy, water and packaging, and provide a great workplace for our associates., By hiring local people, creating products designed for local tastes, and partnering with local farmers, governments and community groups


Our mission is to maximize share-owner value over time. In order to achieve this mission, we must create value for all the constituents we serve, including our consumers, our customers, our bottlers and our communities.


PEPSI CO Values & Philosophy are a manifestation of the socially and environmentally responsible company we want to be. They are the foundation for every business decision. They are committed to delivering sustained growth through empowered people acting responsibly and building trust.
There are following core values of PepsiCo they are

Ø  their Commitment and promise
Ø Sustained Growth
Ø Empowered People
Ø Responsibility and Trust
Ø Care for our customers, our consumers and the world we live in
Ø Sell only products we can be proud of
Ø Speak with accuracy and truthfulness
Ø Balance short term and long term
Ø Win with diversity and insertion
Ø  Respect others and succeed together

PepsiCo basic goals 

·         Increasing the whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and low-fat dairy in its product portfolio
·         Reducing the average sodium per serving in key global food brands in key markets by 25 percent by 2015
·         Reducing the average saturated fat per serving in key global food brands in key markets by 15 percent by 2020
·         Reducing the average added sugar per serving in key global beverage brands in key markets by 25 percent by 2020


They laid out additional short -term goals for ourselves that included metrics related to our performance in the eyes of our wholesale partners, our consumers and, of course, our investor. significantly, this is not at the cost of creating value for shareholders. It is the source of that value. It’s all about bringing our company performance and our social and environmental commitments together. Human sustainability is our promise to encourage people to live balanced and healthy lives. It’s about offering balance in our portfolio for consumers to have a range of enjoyable and wholesome foods and beverages. It’s about providing people with choices, attractive options to manage their portions, better nutrition education and compelling programs to encourage physical activity.


In its agricultural operations, PepsiCo plans to use its long-term farming contracts to halve the water and carbon impacts of its key crops, such as potatoes and oats.On the health side, PepsiCo's vision is that by 2020 the company's core business will be based on delivering fruit, vegetables, wholegrain and fiber. To achieve this it plans to change the existing products it is making as well as transform its portfolio towards healthier ranges "providing genuine nutritional benefit."


Organizational structure is the formal pattern of interactions and coordination designed by management to link the tasks of individuals and groups in achieving organizational goals. Pepsico has a Managing Director on top and there are14
three General Managers (Marketing, Administration, and Technical). These departments are further divided into marketing, MIS, Shipping, Security and Production etc.


Hiring procedure of employees

The team work hard to insure the right hiring decision is made for you and PepsiCo

Step 1:  Apply

Once you’ve identified an prospect of interest, they invite you to submit your profile online.  Following your submittal, a member of our internal recruitment team will review your credentials against the requirements for the role you’ve expressed interest in.  You will then be contacted regarding next steps.

Step 2:  Assess

At PepsiCo, we offer various options for two-way communication during the hiring process.  Depending on the role, location and timeliness, we may initiate our dialogue with you via telephone, Web cam interview or through a traditional in-person interview.  We recognize an interview should serve a mutual benefit. We invite your questions.

Step 3:  Offer & On-boarding

It’s decision time.  Our team works equally hard to ensure the right hiring decision is made for you and PepsiCo.  Offers are extended live via telephone or in-person from a member of our internal team.  If you are not selected for a particular role after your interview, you will receive communication from a member of our team.

•3+ years of Supply Chain Operations experience

•Understanding of Freight Transportation function, processes, modes and service providers (Truckload, Less-than-Truckload and Intermodal)

•Proficiency / experience in key PepsiCo Supply Chain systems (i2 TMS , Enterprise Route Guide, SAP ) is preferred

•Capable of multi-tasking and prioritizing time-sensitive decisions

•Ability to engage and influence stakeholders from a variety of supply chain functions and network sites

•Strong written and oral communication required

•Process-oriented with analytical capacity is preferred; proficiency in MS Excel required

•Initiative, a positive attitude and the ability to manage through change.

•College-degree required (internal candidates with appropriate experience could be considered).


In Pepsi, there is equal employment opportunity. For example; there are 35female quality control inspectors, 2 female telephone operators, 1 camera room operator, 1 receptionist, and 8 disabled persons. People from minorities and from different provinces are also working with this company.

 Employees satisfaction and motivation

Managers  motivate their employee by
1. Giving them bonus for their hard work
2. Including them when making decisions (to make them feel they are part of the organization)
3. Encouraging those
4. Allowing them to air out their grievances
 5. By talking to them and establishing good employee employer relationship with them. They reach and involve every single employee by broadcasting the news on all available screens and phones: from Digital Signage and PC screens, to smartphones and social media. Solve information overload with one integrated solution for all internal communications – no more e-mails to all, but reaching employees with relevant news using their medium of choice. And use the same software to interact with their staff, for example using internal social media.


The Human Resource Department of Pepsi Company gives following incentives and benefits to motivate their workers.
Job security
Pay allowances
Promotion to next designation which is purely on merit.
Annual performance appraisal.
The workers are offered Pepsi at Rs. 3 and Meal (every type of meal) is availableat Rs. 10.
Hajj incentives.
Free dispensary.
Every person has incurrence policy.
Cash rewards.


Training is given to every employee for further grooming and for enhancing their skills. For this purpose, courses are conducted, seminars are arranged, and different workshops are held.15

Advance programs that help people locally, complementing sustainability platforms of Performance with Purpose.

•Health—Increase commitment to programs that promote healthy lifestyles and improve access to healthier foods.
•Environment—Advance market-based approaches and community-driven models that increase water security and contribute toward the pledge to bring safe water to three million people by the end of 2015.
•Education—Enhance and expand educational opportunities in underserved communities.




Rate of interest also affects the sales and prices of Pepsi. At high rate of interest, the company straight away raises their prices. At low rate of interest, reverse takes place. In Ramazan, they offer many schemes and benefits to the consumers. Due to offering their bottles at low prices their profit doesn’t match their target. So to compensate this, they increase their production and sales, in this way not only the consumer is getting benefit but the company also succeeds in achieving the target.

Pollution Control 

Pepsi takes special care for the environment. For the pollution control, it has taken special measures like: In production department, the main burner does not release smoke. Wasted water is filtered and purifies and then release into River. On daily basis, all bottles are disposing off by special workers. Smoking is not allowed within the premise


Lacking unlimited supplies of potable water, Pakistan has to depend on the desalination processes of brackish water and seawater to satisfy the ever-increasing demands. 
These demands are expected to reach the 756 MGD (millions gallons per day)only for Lahore city in the year 2005. Apart from Lahore, for the coastal areas of Balochistan and Sindh, the only answer appears to be seawater desalination. The beverage company, Pepsi Cola stepped into the market. In 1996, one RO(reverse osmosis) plant was installed at Pepsi Factory, which had a capacity of 150,000gallons per day. The American Company, Water Link, supplied plant. But the major contribution in the share of desalination capacity came from textile industries. Bottled-water Company Pepsi is engaged in a constant search for new water supplies to feed the insatiable appetite of this business



In this age of automation and sophistication in management styles with recession in the market due to certain political conditions in the country and with depressive economic conditions overall, everybody has to struggle a lot to get satisfaction.

The main objective of launching Pepsi was to provide a quality product at an affordable price for the masses. In addition, through an organized and well-coordinated mannerism, Pepsi wants to capture a greater percentage of the market share also.

Internal Factors

The two categories of internal factors are performance and strategic options. When analyzing their performance the organization, Pepsi Beverages, considers factors like profitability, market share, production costs, and new product plans. They also consider such intangible factors such as the management performance, and employee attitudes. Based on how they have performed in the past and how they might be able to perform in the future, the company can identify a number of strategy options that take into account their financial resources, problems with their current strategies, and any other strength and weaknesses that might affect their ability to execute a chosen strategy.

 External Factors

The external factors in a situation analysis include such elements as customers, competitors, industries, and government regulations. The major components of customer analysis include needs, motivations, and segmentation issues. The most critical psychological factors that the company considers important while designing an advertisement for their target audience are the needs and motives. The competitive analysis involves discovering who your competitors are and determining their objectives, strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. Issues in industry analysis include growth rates, entry barriers, and distribution system. Distribution can be a major factor in your advertising strategy. Thus Pepsi pays a special attention to its distribution network. During the same phase, the organization needs to answer questions like:
What is the forecasted demand?
Is the demand growing or declining?
Who is the actual decision-maker among the customers?

When do the customers buy?
Where do they buy?
Why do they buy? There are certain factors that affect the consumer buying behavior. These include the following:
Social and Cultural Factors.
Economic and Business Conditions,
State of the Technology.
Political Factors.
Financial Environment.
Rules and Regulations.
Demographic Factor


 Pepsico recently launched following new products
Mountain Dew


Distribution Channels

The Distributors will sell it to selected retailers at special discount.

Sales Force

Special incentives will be given to the salesmen, if they achieve the respected targets.

Empty Injections 

Every distributor will be given empty containers. The distributors will then give that to their retailers.


There are two ways of distributions: 


 Manufacture -------------- Wholesaler---------------Retailer


  Manufacture -------------- Wholesaler---------------Retailer


Pepsi Cola is 100% indirect distribution except post mix. Every sector has one distributor.
SALES FORCE for one distribution sub channel
Unit managers------------------------>
TDMs --------------------------------->12
Sales officer --------------------------->75
Vehicles ------------------------------->85


It is the amount of money the customers are willing to pay to obtain that particular product. Providing quality products at the lowest possible price had always been one of the main concerns of Pepsi. One of the ways by which the company has been able to assist this effort is by increasing the use of inexpensive and recyclable plastic bottles. In Pakistan, the Pakistan Beverages Manufacturers Association (PBMA) fixes the prices of commodities in view of the taxes laid down by the government, the excise duty, sales tax, and the cost of the production material, the overhead cost, and the profits. The government policy, at times, makes a lot of difference as the government may increase the freight charges, the prices of glass, or the prices of steel. Thus the overall price of the product also gets affected. The price of Pepsi Cola is very reasonable as compared to other drinks and the management makes every effort to make the product at the lowest possible cost but the highest quality. The price of a single 250ml bottle of Pepsi Cola in the market is Rs. 17.00.The price of a single 1000ml bottle of Pepsi Cola in the market is Rs. 45.0038

The price of a single 1500ml bottle of Pepsi Cola in the market is Rs. 65.00 The price line is as follows; -
Manufacturers ————> Distributors ————>Retailers————>Customers.
170—— ——     —  ——Rs. 230 —————  — Rs. 300 ———  — Rs. 400Rs.
All the prices are subjected to 1 case=24 bottles (250ml each).

All the expenditure charges are included e.g. cost of production, cost of material, transportation, distribution cost, cost duty, petrol, and then profit. The price of the bottle is very reasonable as compare to the other drinks with respect to quality 


The third major category of copy includes slogans, or lag line, memorable sayings that convey a selling message. Over the years Pepsi has used such slogans as
"The choice of the new generation",

"Ask for more".
Slogans are sometimes used as headlines, but not always. Their importance lies in the fact they often become the most memorable result of an advertising campaign


Though, every ad campaign involves the expertise of Pepsi Cola International, the feedback is received by the franchisers, because they are the one that come directly in contact with the consumers. The management of the Bottlers receives the complaints and claims. The claims of the prizes are sent to PCI for verification, which then releases the prize cheque. The prize is handed over to the winners through a special ceremony, which is covered by the media for promotional purposes. However the ultimate feedback comes with the change in sales. If the sales have increased in result of the campaigns, it is thought successful and vice versa.


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