Summary or Abstract


The purpose of this study is to compare the educational level in IT sector B/W UMT and FAST


This research is very helpful for the students who are interested in IT education. By this comparison they can select a better organization for their IT education .this research is also very helpful for the people who want to study about the organizations status in IT.


Technology_management_LG_FOC.pngThe background of information and technology is start with the invention of computer in the age of Charles Babbage. Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones. Several industries are associated with information technology, such as computer hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, internet, telecom equipment, e-commerce and computer services.




Data analysis

This is the analysis of the data that was collected from the sample group of both the Universities through questioner
Our questioner consist the following information about the student
Name:Age : Gender: Program
For Analysis we ask the following type of question for out sample group
1-Are you satisfied the educational quality of your course..??
UMT-40/100   FAST-80/100
2-Do you think that your University have all the necessary equipment for your learning.??
UMT 30/100- FAST 73/100 YES
3-How you see your future after completing the degree from your university..??
UMT-52/100Satisfied FAST-77/100 Satisfied
4-which univ will you prefer for IT education outside your univ..???
5-Do you think the educational staff which your university provide you is fully capable and professional?
UMT-42/100 FAST-82/100 YES
6-How you consider your decision for the choice of this unv for you degree.?
UMT-30-Nice 20-Fantastic-18Good...32-Bad
FAST-40-Fantastic 20-Nice and rest 40-Good



We use the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as Information Services (or IS). The information technology department of a large company would be responsible for storing information, protecting information, processing the information, transmitting the information as necessary, and later retrieving information as necessary.



The approach we will used  for this research is both quantitative n qualitative as the data collected will be statistical, or numerical then how many people want to join or select UMT OR National university of computer and emerging science ( FAST) for I.T education Our target population will be students of age 18-25 years both male and female of University of Management and Technology, (UMT)and FAST The tool or instrument we will used is the questionnaire and the questions would be closed ended.

Main body of the report


The methodology designed for this research comprises of:

Quantitative Approach

Quantitative approach will be used owed to the cause that the data, statistics or information collected will be statistical or numerical as how many people want to join or select UMT OR FAST for I.T and which university they prefer most for I.T education.

Qualitative Approach

Qualitative approach will be used to check the quality of the I.T education in both universities UMT AND FAST. This approach is also used to check the quality of faculty and I.T level of both universities.

Target Population

Population targeted will be students of age 18-25 years both male and female of university of management and technology UMT, and National university of computer and emerging science (FAST) the quantity of the students will be 50 male and 50 females will be targeted.


The tool or instrument that we have selected is the questionnaire and the type of questions would be closed ended.


It is considered that the FAST University is more famous and best in IT Education than UMT. The Majority of  sample group of our project is also agreed with above statement .how ever a small amount of student disagree with that statement they thought the UMT is Also have the same experience and Fame in IT education as compare with FAST.
Conclusions and recommendations
The result of Data collected through our questioners is very clear
FAST university is better than UMT in IT Education
Agreed: 72%
Disagreed: 16%
Neutral: 12%
Above result shows that according to the result of our sample group the student prefer FAST University is better than UMT in IT Education.
From our research we find out the following reasons that Why FAST is more famous than UMT in Computer Science and Technology
Fast is the best institute in Pakistan for Computer Science and Related science studies. There's no comparison to the research and services FAST-NU has contributed to the country You can’t bribe to get in fast or to get through it.-fast would get you as far as you want to achieve.-best university for making a career in computer science(CS).-you can get as many F's in courses as you can before you get a constant below 2 CGPA in 3 semesters and then you are kicked out which is very probable.-studies at fast require more of you than you imagine, once you are in ,study should be the major priority in your life or you would fail frequently in courses. An average fustian graduates one semester more than the duration of programmer because of failing frequently in courses (note: all students are chosen on a high merit...it’s just that the studies are made very tough. Furthermore FAST has more experience in computer science .they had latest technology latest equipment’s, highly qualified and professional faculty they have good computers lab with latest technology. FAST create a good and reputed   image in the mind of peoples in I.T sector or in computer science student would more prefer fast for computer science than UMT.
On the other hand UMT has less experience in I.T sector then FAST they have no latest technologies like FAST their faculty of COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS) sector is not well trained and professional they have no electricity backup plan in their university as compared to FAST



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