Knowledge Management Concepts Solved Assignemnt

Assignment 1. Knowledge Management
Total Marks: 40
This KM assignment will help you to apply knowledge management’s concepts in original world.  
1.      This is a group-based assignment
2.      Assignment submission to be uploaded on Moodle. Submission deadline is 26 October, 2015 till 1:50 p.m.
3.      Assignment should contain minimum 2000 words, excluding title page and references.
4.      If you face any difficulty in doing this assignment; feel free to seek guidance during my scheduled counseling hours.

You need to assume a role of Knowledge Consultant, whose job is to help organizations in establishing knowledge management strategies, processes and practices. UMT wants to hire you as consultant to help them launching knowledge management program. However, top management is keen to assess your knowledge and skills level to actually bring the concepts of knowledge management in a real time organization. In order to prove that you have got a good grip on knowledge management you need to present the followings to UMT’s top management;
1-      Explain the concept of knowledge management and its relevance and importance in the organization.                                                                                                       (5 MARKS)
Knowledge management is refer to gathering knowledge , improving and updating the existing knowledge , sharing this knowledge with in the organization/outside of the organization for the progress of organization and to achieving organizational goals

2-      Explain the concept of Knowledge Economy. Develop key characteristics of a knowledge economy and by using these characteristics identify if UMT is operating in a knowledge economy or not.                                                                                        (10 MARKS)
The knowledge economy is refers to an economy whose all major assets belongs to knowledge , knowledge and knowledge workers are the main assets of this economy, the key characteristics of knowledge economy are.
·         Knowledge management
·         Knowledge workers
·         Technology
·         Human capital and competencies
UMT is an educational institute and is all about knowledge and knowledge management , the institute is run by the knowledge worker like professors so the Human capital is major component of that economy and the abilities and competencies of the faculty has a major role in the success of the institute, IPC LAB , UMT MOODLE system shows that technology also have the major role in this institute, now if the UMT covers all these aspects of a knowledge economy that surely it is operating in the knowledge economy

3-      Define concepts and key elements of knowledge work and knowledge worker. Identify one or two Resumes (CVs) of any company (from internet/newspaper) in which you would be able to highlight the elements of knowledge work (Job description) and knowledge worker (Job specification).                                                        (10 MARKS)
Knowledge work refers to all the mechanism and occupations handled and done by using the knowledge and intellectual assets of a Knowledge worker, like the job of a Doctor, Lawyer and a Teacher
The knowledge worker is refers to one who done his job using his knowledge and information related to the job who added some value to his job by using his knowledge like Lawyer , Doctor, Teacher, HR consultant etc

4-      Identify what are the elements of a knowledge-intensive firm. First develop a criteria of a knowledge-intensive firm and then develop a course of action for UMT to be a true knowledge-intensive firm. For example, if structure is one element of a knowledge intensive firm, then show what kind of structure would sit well with UMT. (15 MARKS)
A knowledge intensive firms is one whose input and output both consists of knowledge and knowledge workers or who use knowledge as his input and
Good Luck !


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