Knowledge Management Solved Assignments (Aly Raza UMT)

Resource Knowledge Management of Nestle

Nestle Resource Management
The information collected for the research was done with the help of an employee at Nestle as well as literature review based on secondary resources that were found on the internet, journals, case studies and articles. Nestle has been alleged of breaking the local law. This shows lack of External knowledge in the company. The organization has different levels of management and follows a formal culture. Hence there is not much communication between the levels which leads to lack of knowledge sharing within the departments of the company.
People are the most important assets in a company. Members at all levels of the organization are concerned to add value to the organization. Company has a Hierarchical culture, where there are a few levels of management but has broad spans of control and is rule based and formal.
In Nestle, a process is a chain of actions taken before presenting something to customer, which plays an important role in development of new food product. Knowledge manage internal and external resources which includes tangible and intangible assets.

Knowledge transfer in Nestle
       I.            Knowledge transfer between Individual
    II.            Individual to external
 III.            External to individual
 IV.            Individual to internal
    V.            Internal to individual
 VI.            Within external
VII.            External to internal
VIII.            Within internal 
 IX.            Internal to external
Knowledge is the intellectual asset of any organization. It’s stored in the form of electronic document, in the brain of employee and in the directories in the form of paper documentation. In Nestle knowledge share is in different perspective. Here discuss in detail how knowledge share in Nestle and how employee use this knowledge sharing tool to perform well and gain competitive advantage. 
Knowledge transfer between Individual
In nestle knowledge share in between the individuals in form of social interaction. Communication is the channel of sharing knowledge. Individual also share his knowledge when he perform in different departments. When he move from one task to another task so the process going on and Nestle get advantage by training the employees through his tacit knowledge. He share his willingness as well, he also share what type of functions or task he perform in team, what type of challenge he face how to overcome and came with solution through face to face interaction.
Individual to external
In this knowledge theory employee of nestle transfer knowledge to the outer world. How nestle can improve competences with customer, supplier and other stakeholder. Employee of Nestle help the customer to better understanding regarding their products and to communicate the customer regarding their products. He can also entertain the outer customer guiding them by his tacit knowledge. This knowledge also share when conferences and seminars are held. A huge number of multinationals company’s members comes and the knowledge share in seminars. In this knowledge theory employee providing education to their customers and tell them that their product life cycle.   

External to individual
In this section nestle customers, suppliers and stakeholder get the knowledge and competences of employees and learn through feedback they learn the new ideas, experience, new technical knowledge from their customer, suppliers and communities. Nestle develop formal system to capture such knowledge through feedbacks new learning new ideas new practices. They build good relation with their customer. Nestle forecast the future need of their customer.
Individual to internal
In this section knowledge of the Nestle share in individual to internal. Tacit knowledge is share in this section that is from data into the system. Individual competences system tools and templates. Individual can focused in tools. There discuss formal system where store, create, capture and share knowledge.
Internal to individual
In this section Nestle employee act internal to individual. The key concern of the Nestle is how the individual can improve his performance by using the different tools that include system and tools. Nestle use Knowledge Management to enhance his productivity. There is a learning which is basically based on action based learning internal and individual learn through actions. There is also E-learning takes place. Where internal and individual learn through different act internet based learning. There also learn through experimentation. This refers to or achieve through individual to internal as well.
Within external
Nestle converse the conversion among suppliers, customers and stakeholder so their core competences improved. They make good relations and they remain royal of the Nestle. In this section the key element is to improve conversation between suppliers and customers. Once it’s done Nestle may focused on partnership alliance. Nestle improve their image through interaction of within external. Nestle enhance their brand equity. So they improve their quality well this help them also to grow further in the market. By promoting and by conversation with their supplier and customers Nestle conducting seminars and building external communities of practices.  

External to internal
In this section knowledge is transfer from supplier, customer, and stakeholder to Nestle. They empowering the bond, their strong relationship and further they creating the alliance to generate the new ideas and new innovation, for the new products Nestle always carry to the new product in the market with different product differentiation. Nestle spend a lot of time and money in research and development by using the tools of competitive intelligence. Nestle improving the customer knowledge

Managers train their employees  Managers in some of the fastest growing and most profitable businesses, focus on knowledge, nestle is one of these firms see their businesses from a knowledge perspective and act as if their intangible assets are real, create knowledge, knowledge grows when it is shared. In the knowledge era, the intangible revenues people can generate are far more important than the tangible money.


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