“Design thinking may be a humanist approach to innovation that pulls from the designer's toolkit to integrate the requirements of individuals, the probabilities of technology, and therefore the needs for business success.” Thinking sort of a designer will rework the means organizations develop product, services, processes, and strategy. This approach called design thinking, which brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. It conjointly permits people that are not trained as designers to use inventive tools to handle a colossal vary of challenges.
Innovation guided  purposely has return to enhance the market’s read that, so as to pioneer, one must focus on the development or integration of new technologies and on opening and/or sexual union new markets: besides these technological and selling factors, style Thinking practice innovates primarily by endowing product, services or relationships with new meanings. Since “things should have a type to be seen, however should add up to be understood and used” (Krippendorf, 1989), design is by nature a discipline that deals with meanings. By difficult patterns of thought, behavior and feeling, “Design Thinkers” produce solutions that generate new meanings and activate diverse elements – cognitive, emotional and sensory – that are involved in the human experience.
Why Is Design Thinking Important?
It reduces the risk associated with launching new ideas.
It helps organizations learn faster.
It generates solutions that are innovative, not just incremental
Captures the mindsets and needs of the people you're creating for.
Paints a picture of the opportunities based on the needs of these people.
Can start to anchor on your designs and offers.
Steps in Design Thinking
The first stage of the planning Thinking method is termed Immersion. At this moment, the project team approaches the context of the problem from the point of view not only of the company (the client), but also that of the end user (the client’s client).
After the data collecting stages of the immersion phase, the next steps are analysis and synthesis of the information compiled. To this end, insights are arranged to form patterns, posing challenges that will assist in clarifying the problem.
The purpose of this phase is to generate innovative ideas for the project theme. To do this, the tools for synthesis created in the analysis phase are used to stimulate creativity and generate solutions that are in tune with the context of the subject in question.
The function of Prototyping is to aid in the validation of the ideas generated, and although it is presented as one of the last phases of Design Thinking, it can occur throughout the project at the same time with Immersion and thought.
Refine ideas by gathering feedback and experimenting forward.
Craft a person's story to inspire others toward action.
Andorinha Project
An experience way beyond an airplane
In light of the growing demand for plane tickets for the lower classes, MJV Innovation’s multidisciplinary team immersed itself in the subject for two weeks, identifying the unmet needs of this niche of shoppers as they face the expertise of flying for the terribly 1st time.
Based on field research in similar contexts and software prototyping in places such as airports, highways, commercial establishments, public markets and travel agencies, the team developed solutions for novice passengers to enter the universe of air travel and feel safe in flight. The ideas they came up with also aspired to make the first trip a memorable moment for both travelers and their families, assimilating them into an environment that, up to that time, had never been a part of their daily lives. 
In order to understand the issues facing first-time passengers, the team was divided into pairs to perform Exploratory Field Research in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Among the places visited were the airports Galeão (RJ), Santos Dumont (RJ) and Congonhas (SP), travel agencies (RJ) and airline-ticket points of sale in department stores in São Paulo.
In order to understand why certain members of the lower classes do not travel by plane, we went to the Novo Rio Bus Station (RJ), Norte Shopping (RJ), the São Cristóvao Market (RJ) and to downtown port, where we conducted In-Depth interviews with potential passengers.
The following is a brief description of the most representative visits of the Immersion stage: to Galeão Airport and the Novo Rio Bus Station.
We went to the Novo Rio Bus Station to explore the dynamics of an environment comparable to an airport, marked, however, by a pronounced presence of the lower classes.
We were able to perceive that the universe of air travel is seen as beyond the reach of these classes. Even though air fares may be more affordable than bus fares, many people do not even consider the possibility of flying. We spoke to José, who lives in the state of Maranhão but comes to Rio de Janeiro once a year to visit his brother. By bus, the trip takes three days. When asked why he preferred to go by bus rather than by plane, his immediate response was based on his fear of flying: “Better to get home late than to arrive early in the cemetery.”
61Andorinha Project - An experience way beyond the airplane60
The price of bus fares does not vary – whether buying in advance or near boarding time, customers pay the same amount. For air travel, there is a significant increase in ticket prices at the last minute. Considering that members of the lower classes are in the habit of purchasing their tickets at short notice, air travel is often not viable. Moreover, advertising of special deals on fare goes on nearly completely over the net. Since many members of these classes do not have a computer or do not use the Internet frequently, they have little access to cheap tickets.


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