how to check plagiarism and how to remove plagiarism from your class assignments, case studies and projects

How to check plagiarism and how to remove plagiarism from your class assignments, case studies and projects   

Copying, infringement  of copyright, piracy, theft, stealing, poaching, appropriation informal, cribbing always been a problem for University students who asked to solve assignments, case studies or going to prepare research projects, there are many types of softwares available like ( IThenticate, Copyscape and PlagScan) to check and catch plagiarism that your teacher or university might use to check your assignments, a teacher only needs to copy your work into the software and run the check command the software will analyze your work and highlighted the palged areas with different colors and also give the websites from where it copied in this way your teacher can catch you with in minimum 5 mints that can ruin your whole work and reputation 

In this blog we are not going to encourage you for copy pasting its just to help you to check your work before going to submit to your teacher, normally 18% to 20% plagiarism asked to be allowed that can a student use in his/her work but the question is how to check that your work is not going to exceed from the allowed percentage, all you have to do is copy your project and paste it into softwares that are available free online like ( duplicate checker, smallseotools) it will scan your work and highlight the plaged areas which will help you to identify and improve your week parts in this regard, once you track your plaged areas all you have to do is to re-write these paragraphs into your own wording, don't worry we also have some online softwares like ( Boot spin, free spinner etc ) that can help you to re-write your plaged areas into new unique wording, you just need to copy your plaged paragraph into these online software and run the command spin it will provide you a whole new unique paragraph which could not be track in the softwares and you will have your unique work

lets suppose you detect 30% plagiarism in your work and allowed percentage is 20% now you need to remove the extra 10% to submit your work, all you need to do is copy paste these paragraphs into online rewriter softwares and run the command rewrite it will give you a new paragraph now put this new paragraph into your work remove the old one and again put it to the software to check the percentage of plagirsam lets suppose its shows 20% plaged dont be so excited your work is not finished now dont forget you are using a free version of plagiarism checker softwares and your teacher going to use premium version which will work more thorughly and your 20% will incerse to 25% to 28% so you need to decrease your percentage amount to 12% to 15% to save yourself from any uncircumstance situation 


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