Case Study : Ethical Dilemma, Ethical Decision Making ,Utilitarian, Individualism, Justice,Moral rights

Scenario 1
A well-known member of my staff diagnosed with AIDS, how will I Handel this
situations practicing ethical behavior
a- Tell him to keep you informed about his health and say nothing to his coworker
b- Arrange for him to transfer to an area of the organization where he can work
c- Hold a staff meeting and tell his coworker’s about his situations and his
future presence in your team
d- Consult your human resource officer how to proceed

According to my understandings towards practicing ethical behavior if I go for
option A if I don’t inform his coworker’s it will be unethical and will affect the level
of trust of my coworkers and as a result they will loss faith in me, if I am going to
arrange his transfer for him to work alone it might affect his confidence and He feel I
sense of being ignored or a extra weight for the company which will affect his
performance, if I go for the option D and consult with my Human Resource Manager
this means I am failed to handle the situation or I am not capable to handle
uncertain situations, what I feel option C will the best approach to handle the
situation as it will improve teams trust level and also results a collaborative
solutions for the situations which will be best to execute and support

Scenario 2
Need to reduce to staff of the department I manage and the job would be much
easier if the two professionals above the age of 60 would go for retirements, the
approaches to tackle the situations are

A- Say nothing and determine layoffs based on purely performance and length
of service
B- Schedule a meeting with employees and ask if anyone interested in early
C- Schedule a meeting with all staff and ask if anyone interested in severance or
early retirement
D- Layoff the older workers

Well in this scenario if I am going with the option A it will might be a just decision
but morally unjust because the old employees who served the company from very
long time might not as good as young ones another challenge also will be on what
basis I am going to judge the performance does these parameters suits the old
employees if I go for the option D and layoff the employees on the basis of age that it
will be morally and unjust decision and caused the employees satisfaction and
loyalty with regards to their job security, I think Option B and C will the best
approaches to handle the situation there might some of the employees who want to
retire on the basis of benefits they received from the company

Note: Here I don’t have the information what benefits Does Company offer to the
employs who asked for early retirement

Scenario 3
One of my coworker is suffered in some personal tragedies which impact on her
performance, and I have to call for explanation on A major mistake in the company
reports prepared by her, How will I am going to respond to this?
A- Apologies for the inaccuracies and correct the data
B- Tell your manager that the data supplied by your colleague was the major
source for the problem
C- Say that your colleague has a problem and need support
D- Tell your manager that because of your work load you don’t have the time to
check for the possible mistakes

An employee without emotions is just like a machine and machines alone could not
yields the desired results for the company, its impossible to leave your emotions at
home while you go for work, and if you going to support your employees in their
bad times it will increase the loyalty and performance of your employees and it will
set positive examples what I feel I would go for the option C and make sure the
board that in future this will not going to happen again this option will work on both
ends as it saves your image and also the job of your coworker

Scenario 4
You discover that one of your rival employees is faking the company on the basis of
his/her qualifications
A- Expose the lie to your superiors
B- Without naming name consult your human resource officer on how to
C- Say nothing, company obliviously failed to check him out and the lie probably
will surface on its own
D- Confront the man with the information and let him decide what to do

In this situation expose the lie to your superior might be just but morally it might be
negative as this might encourage the culture of conspiracies if I am going to say
nothing that it might possible in future He got promotions on the basis of His/her
qualifications and if than you speaks you might asked for why you remain quite so
long you should be informed the management timely, in option B there is a risk I the
department founds noting or the information you told by your colleague are not
accurate it might create troubles for you, option D will be suitable options according
to my understandings as if you first discuss this with the concern person it will help
you to in double direction one you would confirm your information and second you
put your rival in a selective conditions to proceed ethically

Scenario 5
Errors the accounting department of your company for overcharging the customers
against services provided

A- Contact the oversight commission
B- Take the matter to the public anonymously
C- Say nothing leave it on the hands of bosses
D- Work along with the management with the plan to recognize the company’s
error and setup a schedule of rebates that would not unduly penalize the

Mistake happened everywhere in the case of the company it could be quite possible
to happen a mistake because a company is operated by humans, Being a loyal
employee to the company I would not go for the option A and B without making any
inside struggles to solve the situation, and morally I would not leave it on the hands
of bosses as the loss of the employees money is involved in this matter and
employees are also a part of the company so option D will the best approach to deal
with this situation

Question No 2: which approach to ethical decision making will be most appropriate
to handle the situation?

Utilitarian, Individualism, Justice, or Moral rights
What I feel approaches will vary according to the situations we cannot just every
situation with a single approach, but in a selective mood I would like to chose
individualism approach will be best suitable for ethical decision making


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