Are we going towards some kind of secular state ? Pakistan , Islam and Mulla's

Are we going towards some kind of secular state ?  
Are all these Mulla’s on roads side are a part of this conspiracy to buddzil pakistani people from Mulla’s and Islam ? Do being a Molvi is bad thing ? Is after Taliban the next operation is to get rid of from Mulla’s ? All these question cannot be considered by every Pakistani, we all know whatever going on now days is not Islam at all than why we cant and even many well reputed Islamic scholars are unable to understand this ? Is it a planning to challenge the State of Pakistan through Mulla’s to apart the country bw Islam and Pakistan ?  
What can we do to avoid any kind of religious clash between state and it people ,  
First of all we need to get rid off this word MOLVI (Mullah) because through a long January of bad experiences from this sector now people are fed up from this doesn’t matter they are right or Wrong their image have been so negative in people’s mind that even many matured Mullah’s in regard are considered in same way , the negative effect of this word MOLVI have apart the Muslim into two sectors the one who believe on them and other side is who considered them negative mostly educated sector of Pakistan, the very upsetting thing for us is that this word MOLVI also effects the Image of ISLAM to being considered as illiterate in modern sense just like TALIBAN effects the image of ISLAM to considered some kind of ideology followed by the terrorists or the ideology who cultivate terrorists , we should think about this yes we should because we just cant let it go our next generations might think the same way just like west think about ISLAM ,  
What we think we do TABLEEGH to spread Islam and others do nothing ? No we are wrong every action has a reaction we just unable to understand what others are doing to buddzil people from islam , the followers of other religion they know they cant stop their followers to accept the reality and the truth of Islam so they might decide to compete from a different angle the angle we might unable to understand  


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